Friday 31st May. Left the boat and travelled by bus to Cavdir to start our ride to Sakhkent Canyon, then the last ride to Tlos, then bus to Gocek and our boat.
Yes a complicated process today with tender into last night's harbour, 90 minutes bus ride to our bikes then off to the Canyon. Last night we had a beautiful sunset, just after I'd written the blog!! So the ride to the Canyon passed lots of milky water obviously from the snow melt on the surrounding mountains. This place was a beautiful water paradise. Water, pretty hanging seats, ducks and lots of flowing water. We walked to the Canyon and boy it must really come pelting through in spring. And the water was cold. Great views, then back k for our lunch. I had a delicious lamb shish kebab and the delicious fresh orange and pomegranate juice. Then off on the last ride. As usual, straight after lunch a hill to climb, then eventually downhill again. Beautiful views of the formerly snow capped mountains. Finally we stopped, handed over our trusty bikes and buses to another Lycian, Greek, Roman ruin. Amazing structures that housed lots of people until earthquakes and A...