Sunday 30th April. Ourence Spain.

Not sure how this blog will turn out. I'm sleep deprived and having a shandy on an empty stomach. I left my room this morning at 3.30am for the 4am shuttle bus. Once at Schipol I navigated myself around and found my gate. Had to put the luggage tag on with a machine then off to wait at the gate. A full flight and when we arrived in Madrid the thought of a bus to terminal 4 then the metro to the main Charmatin station was too much trouble esp as the taxi was a set price, no haggling just driven in comfort. That meant I had hours to wait at the station. But read. Chatted to people, esp those heading to do the Camino. Then found some of my COST friends. On the train I met some girls heading to the Camino. Rhonda spoke English as a Canadian(actually from New Foundland) and has married and settled in Spain. Train travelled at over 225kms an hour. Arrived to sunny weather and shared a taxi to our hotel with COST friends. Have been for a walk and love the atmosphere. Some pla...