Day 35. Home again.

I know I missed a few days but took it easy in Perth with my good friend from Darwin days, Andrea and her husband Chris. Always great to catch up with them. Our boys grew up together so we all go back a long way. Saturday morning Tim and Celine came and picked me up and then no wifi as Tim was only just back after a course in Brisbane and prior to that 7 months overseas. While he tidied up and made my bed, Celine and I chatted about Italy where they had been last year. I took them out for lunch and a breather and later Celine cooked dinner. Next morning they cooked me breaky so very spoilt. Celine then had to go to work so Tim and I did some shopping, then he prepared a lovely lunch. We chatted, ate and watched Chicago Fire. We binged for awhile and had a late dinner. Always lovely to spend time with my boys, so I was happy. Up this morning and my final pack. Tim took me to the airport, and good flight home. Bus, train and Rutts waiting for me at Boronia, so now home with the heater on...