Day 25. Franeker.

Thought I'd get a sleep in this morning and was dead to the world when Deb woke me up to tell me to grab a fender as we were moving. Glasses on and out in pjs to see a dirty big barge, Hercules, trying to get into our spot to dredge. So Mark backed up, Deb bought the ropes in and I stood around bemused. But I did ensure my fender hit the boats and not our barge. Got in and tied up, exhausted. Fell back yo bed to wake up again!!!! All action in our moorings. After breaky, Deb and I went for a big ride to Harlingen, where we will barge to tomorrow. This is where the Melba was built. Beautiful, flat ride, but hot. Went through lovely fields of cows and baby lambs and some lovely little towns. The bike tracks are so well marked and everywhere. Got into Harlingen and stopped at a cafe. Over a smoothie and water Deb and I caught up on our 'lost'years. Then the breeze seemed to cool, so we headed back, wary of a storm approaching. We zoomed back, even used the battery power and ju...